
4 Ways To Safeguard Yourself From The Flu Virus

894326_54591782According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between 5 and 20% of the U.S. population will catch the flu virus this year. While most people who catch the flu recover after 7-14 days, some 200,000 are hospitalized each year due to complications. The good news is that you can reduce your risk of catching influenza by taking some simple precautions. continue reading »

Top Protein Sources For Vegans

protein-01Becoming a vegan is a life-changing decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Yet there are a few pitfalls that come from lack of meat in your diet, one of which is the threat of becoming protein-deficient. After all, aren’t we taught that all of our protein comes from meat and animal by-products? Thankfully that’s just a myth as there are plenty of non-animal protein sources for vegans to choose from, you just have to know where to look. continue reading »

Celiac Disease 101: Understanding This Growing Medical Condition

celiac-disease-02Celiac disease is a condition in which a person’s immune system attacks the small intestines when gluten is present. If a person who suffers from celiac disease consumes rye, wheat, barley, or any product containing these grains, he or she may experience a wide range of unpleasant digestive systems.

Contrary to what some people may believe, celiac disease is not a rare condition. According to a recent study performed by researchers at the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research in Baltimore, approximately 1 in 133 Americans suffer from the disease. Many of these cases remain undiagnosed, with individuals assuming their digestive symptoms are caused by eating too much greasy or acidic food. continue reading »

What You Should Know About Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

shoulder-diagram-01Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TSI) is a medical term used to describe the compression of nerves and blood vessels in the narrow upper-body passage known as the thoracic outlet. This is a small area that’s located between the collarbone and first rib bone; and unfortunately, it oftentimes becomes compressed. When this occurs, the individual may experience a dull, aching pain in the neck, arm and back, as well as pain and swelling in the arm. continue reading »

What’s Really In Your Olive Oil?

olive-oil-356102_1920Olive is oil is nutritious, versatile food byproduct that’s used by millions of people worldwide. Some people use it as a cooking oil, while others use it as a dipping sauce. Unfortunately, though, recent studies are revealing a darker side to the olive oil business. Even though a bottle is labeled “100% olive oil,” it may actually contain other ingredients and fillers. What’s even more shocking is that most consumers can’t tell the difference between authentic and fake olive oil; therefore, they unknowingly purchase and consume a product that is essentially mislabeled. continue reading »
